
The world needed the generosity of Kappa Sigma undergraduates more than ever this biennium, and our Brothers and Pledges delivered like no other when it came to philanthropy and community service under the A Greater Cause program.

Over the course of the 2019-2021 Biennium, Kappa Sigma undergraduate chapters and colonies raised $3,764,755 in philanthropic donations to charitable causes. Our Brothers and Pledges were just as notably generous with their time, giving 527,862 hours in community service.

A number of A Greater Cause highlights were attributable to our Kappa Sigma Military Heroes campaign, which provides significant donations to charities verified to be 100% veteran-focused. Including direct donations from chapters, the Military Heroes Campaign raised $561,850 for veterans charities. Kappa Sigma named November as Military Heroes Month for the first time in 2019, and the effort helped spur two successful fall fundraising periods in 2019 and 2020.

Three new beneficiaries were added to the Military Heroes Campaign this biennium:

The Catch A Lift Fund enables post 9/11 combat wounded veterans all over the U.S. to recover and rehabilitate both physically and mentally through physical fitness, motivation, and support.

MinorityVets performs case work to help minority and underrepresented veterans in need access social services and increase financial stability. This worthy charity was added upon the recommendation of the Brotherhood is Inclusive Task Force.

True Patriot Love has been chosen as the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign’s first-ever official Canadian beneficiary. True Patriot Love is a national charity that supports military families, funds community-based programs, and contributes to the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research.