
Caduceus Content

Every day, you and your Brothers add to the storied legacy of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and of your respective Chapters. Maintain the legacy by submitting your Chapter updates, and help us continue to improve The Caduceus by adhering to the following submission guidelines.

  • The update submitted should be written in the third person, singular and should touch on Chapter operations, including CQ, AGC, and BIA.
  • Due to spacing constraints, please limit your submission to 150 or fewer words, and submit it as a Word document, DO NOT submit a PDF. 
  • Follow the Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s Style Guide, found on KappaSig.net, to edit the submission using Kappa Sigma’s formatting and stylization guide. 
  • Attach photos as a separate file with your update, DO NOT include them in the Word document.
  • All photos should be 300 DPI or higher (JPG, PNG, or HEIC). Photos below 150 DPI will not be included. 
  • Clearly identify each picture and provide a caption to identify individuals or the activity in each.