

Halloween is a time when many chapters plan celebrations and events throughout the upcoming weekend. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Halloween celebrations may be different this year than in years past. I would ask that any events held by your chapter be handled in an appropriate and safe fashion. All events and activities must follow the Code of Conduct and the rules and student conduct codes for your college or university.

In addition, please make certain that Brothers are cognizant of the importance that any and all costumes are appropriate and are not offensive to any person, groups of people, the academic community, or the general community. Remember that your actions on your campus are not only a reflection of your chapter in your community but also a representation of over 16,000 undergraduate members across North America. This is a time to have fun and enjoy fellowship and not to be abusive, insensitive, or disrespectful. That behavior is not the Kappa Sigma way and will not be tolerated.

As a reminder, all chapter events should also follow any CDC or local COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, including any guidelines established by your college or university. For additional information and resources please visit https://www.kappasigma.org/covid-19-resource-page/

Have fun and be safe.


Adam J. Merillat
Worthy Grand Procurator
